George W. Bush must be executed
Cuma, 12 Ocak 2007
The existence of Bush’s power which is the representative of malignancy, enemy of kindness, subcontractor of brutality, murderer of alive, symbol of injustice, rancorous of peace, butcher of justice, cavalier of violence, and the devil incarnate is a clear proof that there is no more human being remained on the earth. Bush and attendants in his hegemony caused the human appearance creatures growing by butchering the senses, consciences, and honor of the human being, and then they mopped up whatever truthful, beautiful, clean and permissible and they turned upside down the valuations with guardianship given to them, they constituted a deviant earth, and thus carrying on their being. After all, because that the end of the world did not come, it is evident that everything did not come to the end and a weakling fight continues. O the humans in the retired spots! Let’s execute Bush and his fellows in the name of True and Justice altogether, in this market which the cheapest good is life, and let’s make turn green the humanity by cleaning the earth from these barbarous devils.
When we look at the past, we should understand that our Prophets in front and virtuous forefathers pass off what kind of thorny and difficult paths, did not put out the life lights by bowing to inequity in the cause of their advantage and fear, dislodge deggials by passing what kind of difficult struggles, did not accept worthless values and residuary to beat devil. They betrayed their lives and reached those conquests and humanities as strong or weak, massive or slight, easy or difficult, rich or poor, in the belief of not give chance to barbarians, constructing a fair formation by glorifying amity, knowledge, not surrendering by thinking the future as a dream, they have no chance other than resisting to reach a well off and proud life.
It is evident that it may possible to abolish evils by determining the lines and oppositions. But the struggle to make a living, convicted the human being to a a misery life and death in mean conditions. An earth mixing good and bad, truth and untruth introduces Bush naturally and bears abuses, violence, tragedies, and monstrosities. When Pharaoh, Nimrod threw into the fire, an ant carried water as to its body to extinguish the fire. When a rook carrying a bush to the fire saw the ant trying hardly to carry that small drop of water with determination and fixity, the rook asked derisorily: “Will you extinguish that gigantic fire with that water”. Then the ant answered to the rook: If I could not extinguish then I determined my line!” But that atomic water extinguished the hellish fire exceedingly. The ant and its water are so effective because of its belief and purposes that they could not only the fire, but also melting the mountains. The important point is not physical power or count, it is the spirituality. Does not the history a clear
Isn’t the history an evidence of this state? Therefore, it is enough ant for Bush before armies. However, human being lost his belief, became materialistic and lost his sensations and cognizance; consider destroying himself as luminousness and gaining for highlighting his ego; thus Allah does not charge a small ant for their survival. Now this is the miserable and dishonorable state of the people of the 21th century!
When the barbarian emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte who was terrorizing, looting and murdering the people beat Spain in the war exactly as Bush, king of Spain said to Napoleon: “You battle for only Money, Capture, Gold, and Land, but we battle only for our glory and honor. Then Napoleon said: “You said true. Everyone battle for what they need”. But money that he gives the most importance more than glory and honor did not recover Napoleon from captivity, did not prevent him to be left worthless, and died groveling with filthiness. For this reason, although being deprived of honor, virtue, humanity, peace, and justice of the brutal and devil creatures prove that how helpless, chicken hearted, weak, and miserable they are, because that there is no person to show that religious belief, their existences and cruelty continues increasingly.
Iraqi Kurds and Shiites who make occupying and looting their land by abusing their religion, country, honor, chastity, children, and futures to US, filling their mothers’, daughters’ and wives’ abdomen with bastards of US and English, killing their children by torturing in front of them, killing their community heartlessly, are stigmatized with the most fearful betrayal of the century. In spite of face, settle, and struggle self-respectingly with Saddam Hussein in the name of the welfare of their country and public, they sold their religion, country, and virtue in the cause of revenging and reaching a colonial government tying to devil US by backstabbing, and constructed a die Iraq where no lives can grow. Hanging up Saddam Hussein, making defamations and abuse, and torturing while hanging up of Idolater Shiites who were so-called Muslims, proved that they are deviant and have no difference from the US. The US is capturing, judging Kurds, and hanging up Shiites, then this is names as a judgment! The last expressions of Bush who prepares to heavy pressures to the Kurd-Shiite league of the betrayed Iraq Government, shows how Iraqi people are under a devilish surrounding. “If the Iraqi government will not keep their promise, they will lose the support of American folks. The commitments of America is not open-ended.” what kind of element do the Kurds and Shiites give to the US and because of this what kind of commitment does the US make to them? What does the reality of Byzantine bargain done based on Iraqi folks, include except Islam and petrol? I do not think anything will be changed if the traitors who believe development lies of terrorist Bush have known that 45 million homeless people in USA are feeding on trash bins, living in parks, gardens and sewage lines. No evidence is good for ones who acquired treachery a career.
The Kurds and Shiites who consider as a glory by lying down being chattel under the mandate of the US, will attempt to be a colony with an election done on January 30th, and can blow with the meanness privilege of giving petrol to the devil seamlessly and the draining the sources of the people because of a worthless chair by deepening their shamefulness colonialization. The aim of this election is to break the resistance and supply the unlimited expectations of the US by gaining so-called legitimating. The hidden reality relative to Iraq in the new strategy of the devil Bush explained is; to make pregnant the Muslim women by raping then who they hadn’t raped before by sending 21500 soldiers to Iraq, to develop a devilish race by killing all of the children who he assume them as a threat for the future, to own the petrol which is one of the important causes of his occupation by abolishing the proud and brave resistance groups who continue the war of independency. What does the devil Bush think about to make turn back the accumulation of the ages, lives, and honors that he razed a very big and long-established history, country, people, breed, babies waiting for birth, animals, greenery, and sources? How does an ordinary apology can compensate the most desperate butchery of the last century and decadence of a society and country? If the world did not call Bush and the US for having done these butcheries, then it will never recover from this abuse and shame, and will pay this cost exceedingly.
The cursed existence of Iraqi Kurds and Shiites like Jewish people, makes necessary the sculpture of Saddam Hussein as making necessary the golden sculpture of Adolf Hitler. Although Saddam was unjust, he never betrayed his country and his people and he never knell down over in front of the Crusaders.
Aren’t the Palestinians the same? They butchered themselves in the cause of a stateless and non-sanction government, and the devil Israel is watching them with pleasure. Instead of giving to Israel what it deserves by resisting to the death and securing independence with becoming clean from ego which causes the curse of devil basing on the Truth and Justice, they can kill each other, enter into a bargain with Israel who continues its butchering with the object of gaining to be sleazy government, and receiving a few dollars. Thus the Creature Allah did not make reached them to the victory, holding them to be sentenced in a contempt life. If otherwise, is it possible a straw like Israel can bear a without bargaining, calm, and a religious resistance? What can be expected from Palestine which is leaded by a companion of the US and Israel and a traitorous named Mahmoud Abbas? Why the glories gained before don’t achieved again today?
The heroes, who are resisting to the devil US, Britain, alliance powers, betrayer government, collaborator Kurds and Shiites, and defending their religion and home by not expecting a material consideration, prove the humanity didn’t finish, send the physical devils to the deserved hell, and leave from their lives with warrior in order to establish the Truth and justice. Wouldn’t they benefit from bloody money of the US and continue an inglorious existence as other makebate betrayers? Because that they know what is the meaning of death and existence very well, they focused on the eternal heaven, and are not fooled with the deceptive products of this artificial and temporary earth consisting of play and entertainment. Supporting the fighters who are struggle against the devil US in the name of existence of the humanity in the spiritual and material ways, is the primary and indispensable vital mission.
The butcher Bush continues human hounds wildly on the people especially on Muslims, murders wherever he finds a human in order to construct a world with deviants and butchers as like himself by controlling the entire world, raises commotion by violating the administration and independency of countries, and choices of the societies, firstly finished then exploit by setting persons by the ears or mancipating by his cheap governments, or directly attacking. The humanity is facing with a big mistreatment. The US virus bounds the people beginning from the baby, destroy with pain and fear.
The only alternative is hanging up physical Bush and members of ABD government who use skillfully all arguments of spiritual devil in order the independency of human being. Also, the people of the US must be punished who cause trouble the said devil government to the world, threaten and destroy the humanity. Because they attack people due to their religion, belief, and races and don’t give a living right, the people must reply equally to those deviant animals, and make a mandatory compensation. If the reality that the US is more desperate, destructive, and serious than the AIDS virus, and the gigantic difference given by the US more than the AIDS and moreover total harm given by all fatal bacteria are not wanted to see, it is evident that the people who are comfortable will fear and startle.
O the people live in East, West, North, and South! Whatever religion, consideration, or race you are; if you feel a wriggle in your mercy feelings, and defend a system based on justice, let’s battle with the devil of US together, and oppose him by not submitting its threats, back mails, requests and disgusting desires. In view of the reality that it not possible to escape from death, do you think that it is possible to reach the eternity by frightening from the US and cowing, to remain honest and virtuous by selling your values, reaching an eternal happiness, welfare, and security. Do you think that there is a more excellent award other than virtuousness and chivalry of shattering that weak web by turning out the governments give weight to them, and the honor of recovering the people? You should know that, the big shadows of nothings make the sunset, and make cover to dark corridors. Don’t hesitate that, if the harbor that you want to arrive is right, then you should know that all winds will be adequate to that object, and live in peace decently by reaching there patiently
We should struggle against the fatal evil US with our goods and lives, and we can’t run away our human responsibility. There isn’t any humanity institution that may judge and hang up as a dangerous criminal, and the current institutions carry on a judgment bounded to it. If there existed a independent and judicious UN and War Criminals Court, the Security Council would not take to the terrorist list only the devil Bush and also all Americans who supported him, and avoid the world from the current tragedy. But the structure of UN which is under dictation of US and courts is to defend the terrorists. In this condition, are we remain silence by waiting our order of murder? Don’t forget that a faithful person like an ant can defeat Bush and his army. Just so the world will take steps to there and give a convincing guarantee to the Creator, and finish everything momentarily. The aid and support of the Creator to the world that does not deserve is not discussable.
With the reality of where there is a badness, crime, butchery, or a disorder in the world, there exist the US behind it; I put a prize on the dirty head of George W. Bush 100.000.-USD, and also you should know that all people should contribute by increasing this prize, and help to the citizens of the US or other countries who undertake this historical mission, and comfortable and happy days wait for you which couldn’t be dreamed by the hanging up the devil and finishing the badness.Then good news to all!
God willing! We will be saved from this devil, current and future devils will take lesson from this execution. From now on, the whole world will reach very much missed peace, confidence and stability; contribution will reign while exploitation ended. Finally, famine and poverty will end; whole people enter into a prompt development process and feel the joy of living in a fair order. Tomorrow is closely!
You can not stop him if you don’t hunt like Bush. It shouldn’t be forgotten that the most effective and powerful defense is attack.
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